'You know what it is about Pikler...?'
Pikler UK Annual General Meeting, 2024
Whether you're an early years professional, an academic with an interest in the first three years, a parent or a politician, there are many of 'us' out there trying to grab your attention and get you interested in our various viewpoints. Those working closely with settings, parents and policy makers are mostly passionate people - not out just to sell, sell, sell, but to share their deeply held passions and convictions.
At Pikler UK, we're no different. And like many others, we believe we have some great solutions to the myriad of challenges that face us today when thinking about the wellbeing and care of very young children. So what sets us apart - what makes the Pikler approach so appealing and inspiring?
There's plenty of information available online about the Pikler approach - histories, outlines of the principles and much more. (See links at the end of this article for places to visit.)
Pikler's principles take us back to the basics of a fully human approach to caring for babies and toddlers, with heaps of research from the Pikler Institute going back decades and backed up by all the newer evidence and research that we now have access to. In essence, it's common sense - a logical approach that reminds us of how connected we are with those we are caring for, and how remembering and working with that connection makes us more human.
The most talked about principles of the approach cover the three areas of caring relationships, self-chosen uninterrupted play, and autonomous (natural) movement development. They are hard to separate, one from another, as they are so intertwined, but the quality and beauty of the respectful and trusting relationships that one sees in those who have taken Pikler's insights into practice is truly remarkable.
Personal Experiences
As you may be able to tell from the way in which I write about it, I'm deeply passionate about this way of being with children. It's changed my life - influencing my work with parents and professionals and bringing me the possibility for more honesty and trust in my relationships with colleagues, family and friends. For me, discovering and studying the Pikler approach has touched something on a level that nothing else did before and has been a path to better self-esteem, confidence and self-care to boot.
I've asked my colleagues at Pikler UK to share something about why they feel so passionate about it too. Here are some of their responses:
My journey with the Pikler approach began at a nursery in Kidlington, where I first witnessed its impact on children’s development. Observing how relationship-building during the care routines, such as nappy changing and meal times, led to more content and focused children inspired me to deepen my understanding. My first course was online during the pandemic, allowing me to connect with colleagues from across the globe. Completing my third course in Budapest offered invaluable first-hand experience. These courses not only deepened my understanding of child development but also provided a chance to reflect on my own personal and cultural biases by meeting diverse professionals. The Pikler courses are a unique opportunity to grow both professionally and personally by learning from others and becoming part of a supportive global community. I highly recommend these courses to anyone who would like to build deeper connections with children and themselves. - Dilyana Karadzhova, Pikler UK Committee Member
The Pikler approach aligns with my pedagogical values of the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships with our little people. The voice and rights of infants are heard, and this is what is so very special about the Pikler approach. - Dawn Jones, Pikler UK Committee Member
The Pikler approach appeals to me because it respects infants as autonomous beings, allowing them to develop at their own pace through free movement and sensitive caregiving. It aligns with my belief in attuned, respectful interactions that prioritize a baby's sense of security, agency, and emotional well-being. - Eva Apeed, Pikler UK Committee Member
When I found Pikler I was looking for something which aligned with the freedom nature-based learning gifts little people. What Pikler brought to the infants, children and the adults I work with is a whole world of freedom, autonomy and a deeper connection with self, with the environment and with caregivers than I could have ever imagined. - Charlotte Shelley, Pikler UK Committee Member
When I first read about the work of Emmi Pikler and then started training at the Pikler Institute, I felt completely professionally ‘at home’. This was maybe because, as a young nursery nurse, I had been trained by Elinor Goldschmied, whose respect for the play and care of babies and young children are completely aligned with the Pikler approach. Both share the core principle of valuing secure trusting relationships in early years settings and that these relationships are built through prioritising the caregiving events of feeding, changing and washing, that foster children’s active participation, self-awareness and feelings of competency. They also both promoted babies and young children’s self-directed, autonomous play and the importance of an observant attuned practitioner – everything I have ever advocated throughout my career in the early years field. - Julia Manning-Morton, Chair of Trustees, Pikler UK
For me, the Pikler Approach just makes sense! As a parent and a professional I get to see the benefits of respectful caregiving "in action" as the children grow in security and confidence to be able to meet the world as they are. - Emily James-Lawrie, Trustee, Pikler UK
You know what it is about Pikler? It’s that it invites us to slow down - not just for the children, but for ourselves too. It’s not about doing more, it’s about being more present. In that stillness, you start to notice the tiny, powerful moments where a child makes a decision, solves a problem, regulates an emotion - and it hits you: this is the work that builds long-term emotional resilience, deep self-awareness, and a love for learning that can actually last. It’s subtle, but it’s radical. And honestly, it’s helped me come back to myself as an educator. I’m not just supporting children’s growth—I’m growing too. - Christine Wilkinson, Pikler UK Committee Member
As you can see from these testimonials, Pikler has had a profound effect on us all. We'd love to share that effect with you.
From April 28th to May 2nd, we're hosting two Pikler trainers from Hungary who will be leading a course on Autonomous Play Activity. This course is just one of a series of three Basic Level Pikler Trainings taught to students from around the globe. We're incredibly fortunate to have this relationship with the Pikler House.
Will you join us? There are still places left if you hurry. The class will be limited to 20 students and you'll go away not only with a deeper understanding of play from birth to three years, but also with deeper insights into the ways in which to bring this to your practice and parenting.
To register, just visit our website training page at pikler.co.uk/pikler-training.
And here are links to other sites where you can find out more about the approach...
With warmest wishes from all at Pikler UK